2023.07.24 2023 韓國K-DESIGN AWARD Winner

資訊來源 ─


  • 畫布般的灰白壁面,輕撚妙筆抹開一方微涼池水,勾勒出一株枝芽翠綠的白水木,令一幅禪景悄然躍現於繁忙的都市巷弄中,而深處隱約飄來的佳餚香氣,吸引過客們好奇探尋:「倘若拐過巢型壁燈的轉角,是否真能通往世外桃源?」 本案位處年代久遠的住宅區,藉由精緻的外觀與周遭形成反差,無形彰顯店面存在,素雅的影壁牆巧妙阻隔行人視線,更為場域增添神秘氛圍,緩步穿過牆後廊道,保有原始紋理的木石元素映入眼簾,不僅貼合品牌印象,也進一步加深隱世桃源的意境。 用餐區根據主廚身高降低料理台高度,同時消弭鐵板燒料理形式中廚師與顧客間的分界,讓進食不再是單純滿足口腹之慾,雙方也不只是服務的供需者,而是透過餐點交流、足以分享彼此想法的友人。 全室選用低彩度色調,將主角留給桌上佳餚,令訪客靜下內心,細品美饌;深處的用餐區背牆鋪貼大片粗獷石皮,而對側排列工整的方圓造型磚,展現對比美感,長型吧台作為兩方之間的平衡地帶,則象徵中庸之道的自適禪意。

  • We sought to convey the intimate relationship between nature and humanity via simple and rustic textures. Additionally, skillfully utilize modern techniques to recreate ancient screen walls at the storefront, along with the turning corridor at the back that provides the guests with a respite from the hustle and bustle of daily life and indulge in a comfortable and inviting dining experience. The entire space is adorned with low-saturation colors, allowing the dishes on the table to take center stage and inviting guests to savor their exquisite flavors in a serene ambiance.